Funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation
Science is our most powerful source of knowledge. But it remains the least accessible domain of learning.
New forms of knowledge and scientific breakthroughs happen every day, yet these insights are rarely made available to stakeholders like policy makers, scholars from other fields, or the public.
With support from the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the Marginalia Review of Books “Meanings of Science Project” integrates science's deepest insights and brings them to everyone.
Knowledge, even when it is created, often has no path to reach those who need it. That is why the project features regular publications by scientists and scholars trained to think about science and its significance in contexts beyond the laboratory.
Science has answers to issues of fundamental human importance. But if such knowledge is only distributed to a select few, then there can be no integration with other forms of knowledge for the public good.
The Meanings of Science project embodies Marginalia's core mission, and it is a first-step towards a larger goal: helping create a new culture of scientific literacy and debate that deepens the public understanding of science.
Read Science and Religion: An Origins Story
Listen to Origins: How Philosophy Remade Science and Religion
Deep Learning for the Digital Age
Marginalia's mission is to use the two great knowledge technologies of the modern world, the internet and the research university, to solve the crisis they have created: the fragmentation of rigorous knowledge from human meaning.
​Marginalia combines the virtues of the university and the internet to create new forms of critical knowledge that intersect journalism, scholarship, and public discourse.​​
Curated by expert editors and guided by Marginalia' s vision of democratizing depth in an age drowning in the shallows, our pages unite the separated silos of the university, arts, science, and culture into a single space of insight and learning.​
Read Samuel's inaugural essay as Editor-in-Chief,
Beyond Borders: America, Immigration, and the Future of Information
Read Marginalia: A Revolution in Knowledge
Marginalia Review is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Architect & Co-Founder
Alphabetic literacy was the greatest technological revolution in the world.
Without language, there is no Scientific Revolution. There is no Silicon Valley. The word made tech.
Without language, there is no way to articulate, publish, and share innovation and discovery. Reading and writing are how science happened and is happening.
Therefore, alterations in the nature and structure of written systems constitute the most fundamental alterations of the human species because technologies transform us. We not only use them to inhabit a world, they become a world that we inhabit.
Technologies of the word transform us because we are creatures of the word.
Language is a technical vehicle for human curiosity and discovery. That is why when language dies, so do we.
The Writing College specializes in keeping language alive by training deep literacy and analytical thinking through reading and writing as the most powerful technologies available for self-transformation.
Read Mnemosyne and the Fate of Capital in the Digital Age:
Ammon's Law, Technology, and the Invisible Revolution
Creator, Host, & Founder
Est. 2020
Becoming Human Project launched on March 11, 2020—a date I chose months in advance for the release of Becoming Human: A Show for a Species in Crisis, which began with my original audio series, Origins: How Philosophy Remade Science and Religion.
Little did I know that on this day, our daily existence would completely change—COVID was declared a pandemic and the world as we knew it ended.
The project was born from a new story of the human that I seek to live and share with others—the story I tell in Origins:How Philosophy Remade Science and Religion—and it brings my original research, courses, and conversations with scientists, artists, and writers to the widest possible audience.
Becoming Human is a radical affirmation of human dignity in a post-human world; a multimedia project that brings philosophy as a way of life to everyone and seeks to build a community of creators pursuing a more meaningful life.
At the core of the Becoming Human Project is the belief that philosophy is a way of life and that education is the process of becoming human, a process which requires the articulation and pursuit of the ideal, the fruit of which is the capacity for self-guided education, and the ability, desire, and discipline to help others achieve the same.
The results of such an education, pursued with discipline and rigor, are remarkable: high-level writing, speaking, and analytical skills matched with broad-ranging historical and conceptual knowledge serve as the capacity base of a person who is flexible, innovative, and demonstrably capable of independent learning.
The capacity to learn new skills and adapt to shifting demands is essential in the global economy but is best achieved as a by-product of voluntarily undertaken learning.
The Becoming Human Project offers an economically viable source of continuing education, which supports and utilizes the new technological resources for training while simultaneously emphasizing the distinctive and irreplaceable value of personal mentoring, face-to-face contact, and small-group learning. It supplements traditional learning by providing a community for the life-long pursuit of wisdom.
Want to Become Human?
Listen to a Becoming Human audio course.
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Introduction to Philosophy
An Introduction to Søren Kierkegaard
A New Interpretation of Margin Heidegger
Introduction to Philosophy