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The colorful and chaotic remains of a supernova explosion, with glowing gases and rapidly


Samuel Loncar’s speaking and writing has reached an audience of over 900,000. His writing has been translated into Chinese, Farsi, and Portuguese, and his work has been featured at the Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science, Mosaic Magazine, the Toynbee Prize Foundation, The Browser, Arts & Letters Daily, and elsewhere.​



Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science


Founded in 1994, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) in Berlin is one of the more than 80 research institutes administered by the Max Planck Society. It is dedicated to the study of the history of science and aims to understand scientific thinking and practice as historical phenomena. 


Mosaic Magazine


Expert writing and analysis on the biggest issues in the Jewish world.

The Browser 


The Browser reads hundreds of articles and recommend five outstanding stories for you to enjoy every day. 


Arts & Letters Daily


The best literary and arts writing on the internet from the Chronicle of Higher Education. 


Yale Alumni Magazine


Featured 2019 graduate. 


Toynbee Prize Foundation


Chartered in 1987, the Toynbee Prize Foundation exists to contribute to the development of the social sciences, as defined from a broad historical view of human society and of human and social problems.


Psychiatry at the Margins


Exploring critical, philosophical, and scientific debates in psychiatric practice and the psy-sciences with over 100,000 subscribers. 




A bold blend of news and ideas giving voice to the ideas and concepts from academic studies and sharing them with others.


Bunk History


Bunk is a shared home for the web's most interesting thinking about American history, brought to you by University of Richmond.


Real Clear Books & Culture


Curating articles and research with a focus on the work of think tanks and foundations.



On Religion and American Public Life

Tom Krattenmaker, a writer specializing in religion in public life who spent 20 years as a contributing columnist for USA Today

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