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Converting the Kantian Self: Radical Evil, Agency, and Conversion in Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason. Kant Studien 104(3)

Christianity’s Shadow Founder: Marcion, Anti-Judaism, and the Birth of Protestant Liberalism. The Marginalia Review of Books​

The Historical Critique of Heresiology in the Seventeenth Century and the Origins of John Milton’s Arianism. Antitrinitarianism and Unitarianism in the Early Modern Period, Eds. Kazimierz Bem and Bruce Gordon. Brill, forthcoming) 

Antisemitism Is Our Problem. Marginalia Review of Books

The Myth of Secular Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion’s Origin and Fate. Religions 14(3).

Why Listen to Philosophers? A Constructive Critique of Disciplinary Philosophy. Metaphilosophy 47(1)

Are Evangelicals the New Liberals? Marginalia Review of Books

The Therapy of Desire: Toward a Revolutionary Philosophy. LA Review of Books

Decolonizing Philosophy: An Interview with Carlos Fraenkel and Peter Adamson about Islam, Reason, and ReligionMarginalia Review of Books

German Idealism’s Long Shadow: The Fall and Divine-Human Agency in Tillich’s Systematic Theology. Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 54(1)

German Idealism and the Critique of Autonomy in The Sickness Unto Death. Religious Studies 42(2)

Scholarship Out Of Time: Weimar’s Lost Existence.  Marginalia Review of Books

Weimar’s Lost Existence: An Introduction to Heidegger. Marginalia Review of Books

Racial Murder: American Memory, American Tragedy. Marginalia Review of Books

The Wisdom of Death: On Costica Bradatan’s Dying for Ideas: The Dangerous Lives of the Philosophers. Marginalia Review of Books

Irony in The Age of Trump. Marginalia Review of Books

Is Philosophy Magic? The Roots of Reason in Parmenides. Marginalia Review of Books
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In Plato’s Cave. First Things

30/30 Project, November 2019 poet, Tupelo Press
Poetry as the Last Refuge of Metaphysical Scoundrels: A Conversation with Stevens and the Comedian C. Letters Journal

The World Spins and Staggers. Reformed Journal

Kenyon Review,
participant in "Spiritual Writing Workshop" lead by Afaa Weaver

The Kitchen Window. Ponder Review

Modernity and Hunger. The Windhover (print only)

Brooklyn 2015. Reformed Journal

Poetry: Politics, Religion, and Peace: An Interview with  Pádraig Ó Tuama, host of NPR's Poetry Unbound Marginalia Review of Books

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